Deep Sea Resources


Organizations to Follow and Support


Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
a nonprofit oceanographic research center

“…As MBARI moves into its fourth decade, we remain committed to our core founding principles: broadly sharing our data and technology, using our unique science and engineering partnership to explore and understand the ocean from atoms to ecosystems, and educating the public about the ocean’s importance in our daily lives. We also embrace the need to apply our expertise toward addressing the pressing global challenges that have emerged since our founding: combating climate change and advancing sustainable marine resource management. MBARI is working toward a future where the breathtaking majesty of our ocean is fully visible, a future where our home-grown technology is scaled globally to monitor and predict ecosystem changes, and a future where the most important frontier we have left is healthy and resilient.”
(full statement here)

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Schmidt Ocean Institute

“Schmidt Ocean Institute is a 501(c)(3) private non-profit operating foundation established in March 2009 to advance oceanographic research, discovery, and knowledge, and catalyze sharing of information about the oceans. Since the Earth’s oceans are a critically endangered and least understood part of the environment, the Institute dedicates its efforts to their comprehensive understanding across intentionally broad scope of research objectives…” (full statement here)

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Ocean Exploration Trust (OET)
and the Nautilus Exploration Program

“…Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) and the Nautilus Exploration Program aim to explore the ocean, seeking out new discoveries in the fields of geology, biology, maritime history, archaeology, and chemistry while pushing the boundaries of education, outreach, and technological innovation. Our expeditions center on scientific exploration of the seafloor, collaborating with the broader research community to identify priority regions and phenomena, and sharing our expeditions with explorers around the world via live telepresence…” (full statement here)

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